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Privacy Policy

Handling of personal data

Ovumia Stockholm is part of Urogyn. When you hire Urogyn, we register personal data about you to ensure quality and to comply with various laws. We store your data in the Stockholm Region’s common record system Take Care. The data is stored in Sweden.

Your data and our responsibility

All medical data and all patient administration are handled in accordance with the Patient Data Act and associated regulations, which regulate how long the data must be saved, who can be granted access to it and how it must be protected. The purpose of our processing of your personal data is to provide you with the right care and treatment and meet the requirements of the Patient Data Act, to be able to administer your visits and other contacts with us, and to follow up and improve our own operations.

We also employ personal data processors, i.e. parties that process personal data on Urogyn’s behalf, for example, the provider that provides the records system.

Your health data and medical information can only be seen by those who have a medical relationship with you. The person who investigates and treats you has a medical relationship, but also our staff who take care of e.g. calls and bookings.

Access to other data is restricted through role-based permissions so that no one gets access to information they do not need.

Collection of information

We collect medical information about you from other healthcare providers via the medical record. We collect other personal data directly from you or the person responsible for your care, e.g. a region, a municipality or an insurance company. Caregivers and other staff with us continuously enter information in your medical record.

Sharing of personal data

We only release your personal data to you or the parties who need it for legal reasons, for example an authority, a municipality or a region. Each organization we disclose information to is responsible for managing your personal data securely and in accordance with the law.

We continuously report measures and diagnoses to Region Stockholm. This data is the basis for the Region’s reimbursements to us, and is also used to guide the development of care within the region. The data is also reported by the region to the National Board of Health and Welfare’s health register

Should you come to us for an insurance matter, we will also need to pass on relevant information to your insurance company so that they can fulfill their duties towards you. In that case, this takes place after you have given your consent.

If necessary, Urogyn releases relevant personal data about you to the person who is the principal according to the Health and Healthcare Act (HSL). In the normal case, it is a region that is the principal, but there may also be other principals such as insurance companies or authorities.

We are obliged by law to submit personal data to certain national registers, for example the cancer register.

We may also need to disclose personal data to, for example, the police or social services if it is necessary for an investigation.

When referring, relevant parts of your personal data are released to the healthcare provider we refer to through coherent record keeping. Everything is of course in line with HSL. You always have the right to know to whom we provide which information and you also have the right to receive information from the other party how they handle your data.

Your rights

How medical records may be disclosed is regulated in the Patient Data Act. You have the right to a copy of the medical records we have about you. For journal extracts, contact us via 1177.se

You also have the right to request information about who has accessed your medical records, a so-called log extract. We have the right to charge a reasonable fee for the costs we incur in producing log extracts.

You can request that your medical records from us be blocked from access by other healthcare providers via consolidated medical record keeping. In that case, contact us via 1177.se

You can request the correction of any inaccuracies, give feedback, ask a question or leave a comment about how we handle your data. You have the right to have a note of dissent entered in your journal. Contact us via 1177.se.

You do not have the option to request that journal information be deleted from us. According to the Patient Data Act, log data must be saved for 10 years, and we may not delete them without a decision from IVO. If you believe that there are special reasons for journal information to be destroyed, you contact IVO, who can decide on this.

For more information about rules regarding record keeping, see 1177.se

Contacts with us, social media and email

On our website you have the opportunity to get in touch with us. All digital communication with us takes place via 1177.se, which is a secure platform for communication between healthcare provider and patient.

Do not enter personal data if you contact or otherwise interact with Urogyn on social media, as it is not possible to ensure appropriate protection on these platforms.

We have no possibility to communicate with you by email, as sufficient protection for your personal data cannot be achieved.

If something goes wrong

Should an incident occur, for example we discover or suspect that personal data has been lost, corrupted or fallen into the wrong hands, we will try to contact you to inform you about this as soon as possible, in addition to working intensively to restore the information. We are also obliged to report any incidents to the Swedish Data Protection Authority if there is a risk that your privacy has suffered.

The right to lodge a complaint

If you believe that Urogyn handles personal data incorrectly, you have the right to submit a complaint to the Integration Protection Agency via https://www.imy.se

Data protection responsibility

Our work at Urogyn is organized in two different companies in one group:  Urogyn Sverige AB and Urogyn Sverige Kommanditbolag. The legal data protection responsibility for the personal data we collect and use regarding patients is joint between Urogyn Sverige AB and Urogyn Sverige Kommanditbolag.

Data Protection Officer

Urogyn’s data protection officer is Ana-Maria Barbu, who you can contact at Ana-maria@bondebarzey.com. You can go here if you want to exercise your rights, have questions about how Urogyn handles personal data or other matters connected to Urogyn personal data handling.