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Prices Ovumia Stockholm

Region-Funded Treatments

Ovumia Stockholm is part of Urogyn Sweden. We have a contract with Region Stockholm for publicly funded fertility assessments and treatments. Within Region Stockholm, these services are offered to childless couples and single women. The age limit for women is up to 39 years and for men up to 55 years. Each visit costs 275 SEK per person. Frikort applies.

Prices for Private Treatments

This price list in English is for reference only. In case of discrepancies between the offers listed below and the Swedish language version, the latter prevails.

Fertility investigation


First visit for a couple

60 min, incl. ultrasound examination and blood tests (sperm analysis if relevant), and return visit for test results and treatment planning

4000 SEK

First visit for a single

60 min, incl. ultrasound examination and blood tests OR sperm analysis, and return visit for test results and planning

2600 SEK

Fertlity check up

60 min, incl. ultrasound examination

2600 SEK



1 treatment

Including stimulation planning, ultrasound examinations, infection tests, egg collection, sperm preparation, fertilization, embryo culture, 1 embryo transfer

41 500 SEK

3 attempts*

*Package treatment only available for patients with a normal chance of pregnancy (i.e., normal egg reserve and normal level of AMH, not avalable for e.g. sperm factor patients). The doctor will assess whether the couple is eligible for a package treatment. Possible freezing of embryos on one occasion included

<35 years

79 000 SEK

35-38 yrs

86 000 SEK


89 000 SEK

No egg retrieval: administrative and ultrasound costs

5500 SEK

IVF donated sperm


1st treatment

Including stimulation planning, ultrasound examinations, egg collection, infection tests, donor sperm from Ovumia Group's sperm bank (family slot included), sperm preparation, fertilization, embryo culture, 1 embryo transfer

63 000 SEK

3 attempts

See price list in Swedish

Frozen embryo transfer (FET)


Frozen embryo transfer (FET)

Incl. treatment follow up, embryo thawing and culture and embryo transfer

21 000 SEK




Incl. sperm preparation and insemination with ultrasound

9900 SEK

AID 1 treatment

Incl. donor sperm from Ovumia Group's sperm bank, sperm preparation and insemination with ultrasound

27 000 SEK

AID 3 attempts

Incl. donor sperm from Ovumia Group's sperm bank, sperm preparation and insemination with ultrasound

52 000 SEK

Egg donor treatment


Normal package (target 2 blc)

Inklusive donatorrelaterade kostnader, koordinering, donerade ägg från Ovumia Groups äggbank, befruktning, blastocystodling av embryon (dag 5), 2 embryon, embryoöverföring, spermieanalys och beredning, frysning och kryokonservering av embryon under 1 år. Priset är delvis vägledande då behovet av besök och rutiner bestäms individuellt. Vi debiterar 3500 kr för varje ytterligare (fler än 2) embryo som tas emot. Behandlingspriset inkluderar inte kostnaden för medicinering.

99 000 SEK

Large package (target min 3 blc)

Inkluded for visits and procedures is determined individually. We charge 3500kr. for each additional (more than 3) embryo received. The price of treatment does not include the cost of medication.

149 000 SEK

Double donation


Normal package (target 2 blc)

Including donor related costs, coordination, donated eggs and sperm from Ovumia Group's gamete bank, fertilization, blastocyst culture of the embryos (day 5), 2 embryos, embryo transfer, sperm analysis and preparation, freezing and cryopreservation of embryos for 1 year. The price is partly indicative, as the need for visits and procedures is determined individually. We charge 3500 kr. for each additional (more than 2) embryo received. The price of treatment does not include the cost of medication.

109 000 SEK

Large package (target min 3 blc)

Including donor related costs, coordination, donated eggs and sperm from Ovumia Group's gamete bank, fertilization with IVF or ICSI, blastocyst culture of the embryos (day 5), 3 blastocyst embryos, embryo transfer, sperm analysis and preparation, freezing and cryopreservation of embryos for 1 year. The price is partly indicative, as the need for visits and procedures is determined individually. We charge 3500kr. for each additional (more than 3) embryo received. The price of treatment does not include the cost of medication.

159 000 SEK


Psychologist consultation for egg donation treatment

2000 SEK

Freezing of own eggs


Consultation for egg freezing

60 min, incl. ultrasound examination and blood tests, and return visit for test results and treatment planning

2600 SEK

First treatment

Including freezing and one year of storage, excluding drug costs

33 000 SEK

Subsequent treatments

Excluding drug costs

28 000 SEK

Storage 1 year

1st year included in the treatment

3000 SEK

Treatments with own frozen eggs:


Consultation & treatment planning

2000 SEK

IVF/ICSI with own frozen eggs and husband's/partners' sperm

Including stimulation and one embryo transfer

29 000 SEK

IVF/ICSI with own frozen eggs and donor sperm

40 000 SEK

Ultrasound examination


Ultrasound examination Ovumia patient

20 min.

2300 SEK

Ultrasound examination pregnancy


3000 SEK

Ultrasound examination during egg stimulation IVF

20 min.

2900 SEK

In collaboration with Human Finans, we offer various installment payment options for our treatments.
You can take an interest-free loan for your IVF treatment  and devide the payments over up to 12 months.
You are welcome to call Human Finans at 08-560 201 15, or click here for more information.


Please note that missed visits/visits canceled less than 24 hours before the visit will be charged SEK 400.

You can pay for individual visits with the most common bank and credit cards. For more information about other payment options contact our clinic.

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