If your pregnancy has not started after 6 months of trying, we recommend booking an appointment for an initial consultation with a fertility specialist. At Ovumia, you’ll meet experienced professionals and gain access to the latest methods for treating infertility. The joy of having a child is meant for everyone. We can help you.
Insemination (Intra Uterine Insemination, IUI) is often the first fertility treatment used in the event of infertility due to the male or infertility due to unknown origin. Insemination is prescribed in case of mild male infertility (problems with the number, motility or shape of sperm cells or the presence of anti-sperm antibodies), infertility due to cervical factor and in the treatment of patients with unclear infertility. In insemination the best motile sperm separated from the semen sample are placed in the woman’s uterine cavity using special catheter at the time of ovulation. Because insemination takes place in the natural environment, the fallopian tube, at least one of the fallopian tubes must be healthy. Successful insemination treatment also requires that the semen sample contains sufficient motile sperm after washing; otherwise, treatment with in vitro fertilization is the treatment option.
Insemination can be carried out according to the woman’s natural menstrual cycle or hormone-timed ovulation. In case of natural menstrual cycle the IUI procedure is timed with an ovulation test that enables to determine the moment of ovulation at home on the basis of urine sample. IUI is carried out 24-36 hours after the positive ovulation test. Insemination is carried out on washed sperm 12 to 42 hours after the positive test, ie as close as possible to the time of ovulation. The best results in insemination are usually achieved when hormone medication is combined with insemination. However, it is important to monitor the treatment properly to ensure that the ovaries do not develop too many follicles, which increases the risk of multiple pregnancy. The ideal number is 1 to 2 ripe eggs. The insemination itself is performed 24 to 42 hours after the hCG injection that produces ovulation.
The semen sample is given on the day of insemination and processed to distinguish the best moving sperm. In this way, sperm antibodies and other impurities that may be present in the semen are reduced and sperm motility and fertility improved. In some cases, pre-frozen semen may also be used for insemination. In addition to standard sperm analysis, Ovumia also has a sperm oxidative stress test. Oxidative stress means an imbalance between free oxygen radicals and the antioxidants that protect them. Sperm oxidative stress can be measured with the MiOXSYS (Male Infertility Oxidative System) test used in our clinics. In scientific studies, a high MiOXSYS count has been associated with low sperm count and motility, and an increased risk of DNA damage.
The success of insemination treatment is primarily influenced by the age of the woman, but also by the quality of the semen and the success of the timing of insemination. The success rate of insemination, combined with hormone therapy, is at best 10-20% per cycle. Insemination treatments are usually repeated a few times, after which it is advisable to discuss with your doctor other possible treatment options. After the insemination treatment, we usually switch to IVF treatment.
Read more about IVF treatment.
Insemination treatment can also be performed with donated sperm. In Ovumia we have our own sperm bank with registered donors. If you wish, we can also order donor sperm from international sperm banks, European Sperm Bank or Cryos. When donor sperm or donor eggs are used in a fertility treatment, the recipient of the donated cells will meet with a psychologist to have counseling before the treatment begins. Statutory psychological counseling is designed to make sure that the patient is considering the importance of using donated germ cells from all angles before starting treatment.