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Frozen Embryo Transfer – FET

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When the egg is fertilized by the sperm, an embryo is formed. An embryo can be created either through fertilization with donated gametes or via IVF/ICSI, where retrieved eggs are fertilized with sperm. The embryo develops relatively quickly after fertilization, and embryos of good quality can be frozen using a technique called vitrification. Vitrification is a rapid freezing method suitable for embryos at all stages, particularly for the more delicate eggs.

Freezing of embryos

The best embryos from the fertility treatment are selected for fresh transfer, and the remaining good quality embryos are frozen (vitrified) in the Ovumia fertility clinic’s laboratory in Stockholm. The embryos are stored in liquid nitrogen (-196°C) under carefully controlled conditions for possible future transfers of frozen embryos (FET). The timing of new fertilisation treatments can be chosen with confidence, as frozen embryos can be stored for several years.

Frozen embryos can be transferred to the uterus at the appropriate time in a woman’s natural menstrual cycle or hormonally assisted cycle. More than 80% of our frozen embryos survive thawing. On average, 40% of frozen embryo transfers result in pregnancy.

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